================================================================ DOOM II :: HELLSCAPE ================================================================ Title : DOOM II: Hellscape Filename : d2hs.wadS & d2hs.bex Author : Chris Lutz of The Chaos Crew Email Address : [redacted] Homepage : http://www.doomworld.com/chaoscrew Other Releases : Phobos: Anomaly Reborn (par-lutz.zip) : Caverns of Darkness (cc-cod.zip) : Inferno (inf-lutz.zip) : Millennium - Map30 : Doomworld's 10sectors.wad - Map26 : Misc. single levels Description : A re-imagining those Doom II levels : that take place in Hell (21-30). As : such, these maps will probably be : a lot more entertaining if you have : a reasonable working knowledge of : the original IWAD levels... Additional Credits to : id Software : joe-ilya, 40oz, Dime for beta-testing : www.Doomworld.com for forums, hosting, : and community - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Files Included: D2HS.WAD: Why you downloaded this in the first place. D2HS.BEX: Dehacked file (for level names). D2HS-LUTZ.TXT: This file. ================================================================ * Play Information * ---------------------------------------------------------------- Game : Doom II Map Number : Map21 - Map30 Source Port : ZDoom/GZDoom (See Note Below) Single Player : Yes Cooperative : No Deathmatch : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Weapons: : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Sky / Titlepic New Music : No ---------------------------------------------------------------- * A Note on Source Ports * ---------------------------------------------------------------- What you really need to run this level is a BOOM/MBF-compatable, limit-removing source port. I did 98% of my testing with ZDoom, so that is what I recommend. Also, there are two other things I should mention: - NO JUMPING! Jumping is for losers. - These levels are a LOT easier if you can run under/over sprites (but not impossible if you can't); still, if you have the option to turn off infinitely-tall actors, I highly recommend you do so. * Construction * ---------------------------------------------------------------- Base : New level from scratch Editors used : DoomBuilder2, Whacked, WinTex Known Bugs : None that I know of Build Time : Beats me. A long time. ---------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright / Permissions * ---------------------------------------------------------------- You may distribute this .WAD freely, provided you include all this text file with the .WAD file. Should you want to edit or include sub-portions of this level in any other project, send me an e-mail message and I will ponder your request. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================ Enjoy!