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idGames Archive Mirror - hosted on demios.xaoc.org

         Welcome to the idgames archives at this ftp site
     a Community Service of Gamers.Org - http://www.gamers.org
The games Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen and Strife are covered here

*** ATTENTION: To reduce the load on this machine and           ***
***            provide faster access for all users,             ***
***            please check the following list for a            ***
***            mirroring site closer to you and USE it.         ***
***                                                             ***
*** Germany (*)   ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pc/games/idgames/      ***
*** Greece        ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/vendors/idgames/        ***
*** Chicago       ftp://ftp.mancubus.net/pub/idgames/           ***
*** New York      http://youfailit.net/pub/idgames/             ***
***                                                             ***
*** (*) Primary download server - please use this instead       ***
*** of the master server - ftp.gamers.org for uploads only      ***
*** For more info: http://www.gamers.org/ftp/archives.html      ***

Look carefully first and remember to turn on binary mode ('bin')
before transfering a file. If problems still arise, contact the
site maintainer:

  Ty Halderman -- thldrmn@gamers.org

Please start your subject line with 'DOOM-FTP: '
[ICO]NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[   ]LAST.7days2017-11-27 19:41 1.7K 
[   ]LAST.14days2017-11-27 19:41 3.4K 
[   ]LAST.24hours2017-11-27 19:41 373  
[   ]LAST.30days2017-11-27 19:41 7.0K 
[   ]LAST.60days2017-11-27 19:41 11K 
[   ]REJECTS2017-11-27 19:41 49K 
[TXT]UPLTEMPL.TXT2017-11-27 19:41 2.9K 
[DIR]combos/2017-11-27 19:56 -  
[DIR]deathmatch/2020-11-04 20:36 -  
[DIR]docs/2017-11-27 20:03 -  
[   ]fullsort.gz2017-11-27 19:41 368K 
[DIR]graphics/2017-11-27 20:14 -  
[DIR]historic/2017-11-27 20:15 -  
[DIR]idstuff/2017-11-27 20:15 -  
[DIR]incoming/2017-11-27 19:41 -  
[DIR]levels/2017-11-27 21:02 -  
[DIR]lmps/2017-11-28 02:27 -  
[   ]ls-laR.gz2017-11-27 19:41 346K 
[DIR]misc/2020-11-04 20:36 -  
[DIR]music/2017-11-28 03:39 -  
[DIR]newstuff/2017-11-28 03:39 -  
[DIR]prefabs/2017-11-28 03:39 -  
[DIR]roguestuff/2017-11-28 03:40 -  
[DIR]skins/2017-11-28 03:42 -  
[DIR]sounds/2017-11-28 03:47 -  
[DIR]source/2017-11-28 03:49 -  
[DIR]themes/2017-11-28 03:49 -  
[DIR]utils/2017-11-28 04:10 -  

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